Sri Lanka Consolidated Acts

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Mawatagama Land Acquisition Act (No. 38 of 1956) - Sect 4

Rights of persons lawfully entitled to compensation

(1) Nothing contained in this Act shall affect the right of a person who is lawfully entitled to any compensation that is paid under this Act to any other person to recover such compensation from such other person.
(2) A person-
(a) who is not awarded any compensation by this Act and who claims that, on the day immediately preceding that on which this Act comes into operation, he had any right, title or interest to or in the land described in the First Schedule to this Act, or
(b) who is dissatisfied with the amount of the compensation awarded to him by this Act, may claim compensation from the Crown by action in the District Court or the Court of Requests of Kurunegala according as the amount claimed by him as compensation exceeds or does not exceed three hundred rupees.

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