Sri Lanka Consolidated Acts

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Muslim Mosques And Charitable Trusts Or Wakfs Act (No. 51 of 1956) - Sect 58

Right of trustees to apply to court for directions or assistance. Cap. 87

51. Nothing in this Act shall be deemed to preclude the trustee or trustees of a registered mosque, Muslim shrine or place of religious resort or of a Muslim charitable trust or wakf from applying to a competent court under any provision of the Trusts Ordinance, other than the provisions of sections 100 to 109 (both sections inclusive), for such directions or relief as he or they may be entitled to obtain under such provision, or for obtaining the assistance of such court for securing the objects of the trust or wake or for regulating the administration thereof or, except in the case of a registered mosque, shrine or place of religious resort, for regulating the succession to the trusteeship.

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