Sri Lanka Consolidated Acts

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Motor Transport (Amendment) Law (No. 36 of 1973) - Sect 7

Amendment of section 84 of the principal enactment

7. Section 84 of the principal enactment is hereby amended by the substitution, for subsection (1) of that section of the following new subsection:-
"(1) Any passenger in any omnibus or luring ear of the Ceylon Transport Board-
(a) who evades the payment of the fare due from him; or
(b) who wilfully refuses or neglects, on arriving at his destination, to quit that omnibus; or
(c) who uses or makes any obscene, indecent or offensive language or gesture, or behaves in any manner likely to annoy or insult any person; or
(d) who spits upon. or wilfully soils any part of, such omnibus or hiring car; or
(e) who smokes or carries any lighted pipe, cigar or cigarette in any part of such omnibus or hiring car in which a notice prohibiting smoking is exhibited: or
(f) who throws out of such omnibus or hiring ear any bottle, liquid or other article or thing likely to annoy persons or to cause danger or injury to any person or property,
shall be guilty of an offence and shall, on conviction after summary trial before a Magistrate, be liable to a fine not exceeding two hundred rupees: Provided that no prosecution shall be instituted or maintained against any person in respect of an offence under the foregoing paragraph (a) if such person pays to any officer of the Ceylon Transport Board, authorized by the Board to receive such payments, a penalty of twenty rupees together with twice his fare.".

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