Sri Lanka Consolidated Acts

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Maritime Zones Law (No. 22 of 1976) - Sect 6

Continental shelf

(1) The continental shelf of Sri Lanka shall comprise-
(a) the sea-bed and sub-soil of the submarine areas that extend beyond the territorial sea of Sri Lanka throughout the natural prolongation of the land territory of Sri Lanka to the outer edge of the continental margin or to a distance of two hundred nautical miles from the base-line from which the territorial sea is measured where the outer edge of the continental margin does not extend up to that distance; and
(b) the sea-bed and sub-soil of the analogous submarine areas adjacent to the coast of any island or rock, or group of islands and rocks, or group of islands or group of rocks, constituting part of the territory of Sri Lanka.
(2) All the natural resources, both living and nonliving, on and under the sea-bed and in the sub-soil of the continental shelf shall vest in the Republic.
(3) In respect of the continental shelf the Republic has-
(a) sovereign rights for the purpose of exploration, exploitation, conservation and management of the natural resources, both living and nonliving;
(b) exclusive rights and jurisdiction to authorize, regulate and control, scientific research;
(c) exclusive rights and jurisdiction for the construction, maintenance or operation of artificial islands, off-shore terminals, installations and other structures and devices necessary for the exploration and exploitation of the resources of the continental shelf, for the convenience of shipping or for any other purpose; and
(d) other rights recognized by international law.

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