Sri Lanka Consolidated Acts

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National Crafts Council And Allied Institutions Act (No. 35 of 1982) - Sect 5

Term of office of members of the Council

(1) Every appointed member shall, unless he vacates office earlier by death, resignation or removal, hold office for a term of three years and shall be eligible for reappointment.
(2) In the event of the death of or the vacation of office by any member of the Council or his removal from office, the Minister may appoint another person in like manner as such member was appointed in accordance with the provisions of section 3. Any person appointed in place of such member shall hold office during the unexpired part of the term of office of the member whom he succeeds.
(3) If any member of the Council is temporarily unable to perform the duties of his office during any period due to ill health or absence from Sri Lanka or for any other cause, the Minister may appoint some other person to act in his place during such period in like manner as such member was appointed in accordance with the provisions of section 3.

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