Sri Lanka Consolidated Acts

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National Crafts Council And Allied Institutions Act (No. 35 of 1982) - Sect 82

Powers and functions of the Centre

82. The powers and functions of the Centre shall be
(a) to undertake designs for small industries and research in respect of materials used for the production of handicrafts and designing of such handicrafts, and to seek to substitute the use of local raw materials for imported raw materials; :
(b) to acquaint itself with market development both in Sri Lanka and abroad and the demand in other countries for handicrafts produced in Sri Lanka.
(c) to devise new and more efficient methods of production of handicrafts;
(d) to consider the introduction of mechanization with a view to effecting the production of handicrafts more economically and efficiently ;
(e) to advise and assist the Sri Lanka Handicrafts, Board and craftsmen in respect of matters relating to the production of handicrafts both in the processes used and the utilization of raw materials and generally in the development and production of handicrafts;
(f) to carry out tests in respect of materials used for the production of handicrafts at the request of the National Crafts Council, the Sri Lanka Handicrafts Board, Crafts Councils and other bodies or persons and to issue such certificates as prescribed in respect of the quality and standard of such materials ;
(g) to maintain an information bank on materials, processes, designs and market trades which may be of value to the National Crafts Council, the Sri Lanka Handicrafts Board, Crafts councils and craftsmen ;
(h) to impose and collect charges on services rendered by the Centre;
(i) to maintain laboratories, workshop and other institutions ;
(j) to enter into agreements with the approval of the Government with institutions in Sri Lanka and abroad whose objects are wholly or partly similar to those of the Centre; and
(k) perform such acts as are incidental to or consequential upon the exercise, performance and discharge of its powers, duties and functions.

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