Sri Lanka Consolidated Acts

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National Development Bank Of Sri Lanka (Amendment) Act (No. 10 of 1992) - Sect 15

Insertion of new sections 66A and 66B in the principal enactment

15. The following new sections are hereby inserted immediately after section 66 and shall have effect 66A and 66B in the of the principal enactment: "
66A. The Bank shall be deemed to be a bank within the meaning of Chapter VI of the Evidence Ordinance notwithstanding the fact that it does not accept demand deposits and accordingly, the provisions of that Chapter shall apply to and in relation to the Bank.
66B. An Annual General Meeting of the shareholders of the Bank shall be held within nine months after the close of each financial year of the Bank at which the Annual Report and Accounts presented by the Board of Directors shall be considered and decisions as to the declaration of dividends taken. The manner of summoning the Annual General Meeting and the procedure for transaction of business at such meeting shall be as prescribed. At every Annual General Meeting, elected directors shall be elected to the Board of Directors in accordance with the shareholdings in the Bank on the day preceding the date of such meeting. ".

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