Sri Lanka Consolidated Acts

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National Development Bank Of Sri Lanka. Act (No. 2 of 2005) - Sect 69

Declaration of secrecy

69. Every Director, manager, auditor, officer, servant, agent, accountant, or other person employed in the business of the Bank, shall before entering upon his duties sign a declaration pledging himself to observe strict secrecy respecting all transactions of the Bank, its customers, and the state of accounts with any person and all matters relating thereto and shall by such declaration pledge himself not to reveal any other matters which may come to his knowledge in the discharge of his duties except
(a) when required so to do
(i) by the Board of Directors, or
(ii) by a court of law, or
(iii) by the persons to whom such matters relate;
(b) in the performance of his duties; and
(c) in order to comply with any of the provisions of this Act.

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