Sri Lanka Consolidated Acts

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National Development Bank of Sri Lanka (Consequential Provisions) Act (No. 1 of 2005) - Sect 5

Transitional provisions

5. Upon the repeal of the National Development Bank of Sri Lanka Act, No. 2 of 1979, as provided for in section 2 of this Act-
(a) the share capital of the National Development Bank of Sri Lanka as on the day immediately preceding the specified date shall be deemed to be the share capital of the company as at the specified date ;
(b) all shareholders of the National Development Bank of Sri Lanka on the day immediately preceding the specified date shall be deemed to be the shareholders of the company as at the specified date and the shares held by such shareholders in the company shall be identical in number to that held by them in the Bank on the day immediately preceding the specified date and all share certificates issued by the Bank shall be read and construed as if such share certificates were share certificates issued by the company;
(c) all officers and servants of the National Development Bank of Sri Lanka holding office on the day immediately preceding the specified date shall be deemed to be employees of the company with effect from the specified date and such officers and servants shall continue to hold office on terms and conditions not less favourable than the terms and conditions enjoyed by them under the Bank, immediately preceding the specified date ;
(d) all contracts, deeds, bonds, agreements, guarantees, powers of attorney, grants of legal representation and other instruments of whatever nature of the National Development Bank of Sri Lanka, subsisting or having effect on the day immediately preceding the specified date and to which the Bank is a party or which are in favour of the Bank shall be deemed with effect from the specified date to be contracts, deeds, bonds, agreements, guarantees, powers of attorney, grants of legal representation and other instruments of whatever nature entered into by or granted in favour of, as the case may be, by the company;
(e) all reserves maintained by the National Development Bank of Sri Lanka for purposes of the Banking Act or otherwise, on the day immediately preceding the specified date shall be deemed with effect from the specified date, to be reserves of the company;
(f) all actions and proceedings of whatever nature instituted by or against the National Development Bank of Sri Lanka and pending on the day immediately preceding the specified date shall be deemed as from the specified date, to be actions and proceedings instituted by or against the company and may be continued accordingly;
(g) the National Development Bank of Sri Lanka Provident Fund, the National Development Bank of Sri Lanka Pension Fund and the National Development Bank Employee Share option Scheme established by the Bank and existing on the day immediately preceding the specified date and shall be deemed as from the specified date, to be the Provident Fund, Pension Fund and Share Option Scheme respectively, established by the company;
(h) all tax credits, refunds, losses, concessions, relief, benefits and liabilities of the National Development Bank of Sri Lanka subsisting on the day immediately preceding the specified date shall be deemed as from the specified date, to be tax credits, refunds, losses, concessions, reliefs, benefits and liabilities of the company;
(i) all judgments, decrees or orders entered in favour of, or against the National Development Bank of Sri Lanka by any Court in any action or preceding shall with effect from the specified date be deemed to be a judgment, decree or order entered in favour of, or against the company.

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