Sri Lanka Consolidated Acts

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National Environmental Act (No. 47 of 1980) - Sect 10

Powers, functions and duties of the Authority

(1) The powers, functions and duties of the Authority, shall be
(a) to administer the provisions of this Act and the regulations made thereunder ;
(b) to recommend to the Minister, national, environ- mental policy and criteria for the protection of any portion of the environment with respect to the uses and values, whether tangible or intangible, to be protected, the quality to be maintained, the extent to which the discharge of wastes may be permitted without detriment to the quality of the environment and long range development uses and. planning and any other factors relating to the protection and management of the environment;
(c) to undertake surveys and investigations as to the causes, nature, extent and prevention of pollution.. and to assist and co-operate with other persons or bodies carrying out similar surveys or investigations ;
(d) to conduct, promote and co-ordinate research in relation to any aspect of the environmental declaration or the prevention thereof, and to develop criteria for the protection, and improvement of the environment;
(e) to specify standards, norms and criteria for the protection of beneficial uses and for maintaining the quality of the environment;
(f) to publish reports and information with respect to any aspects of environmental protection and management;
(g) to undertake investigations and inspections to ensure compliance with this Act and to investigate com- plaints relating to non-compliance with any of its provisions;
(h) to specify methods to be adopted in taking samples and making tests for the purposes of this Act;
(i) to provide information and education to the public regarding the protection and improvement of the environment
(j) to establish and maintain liaison with other countries and International organizations with respect to environmental protection and management;
(k) to report to the Minister upon matters concerning the protection and management of the environment and upon any amendments it thinks desirable in. existing legislation concerning any portion of the environment, and upon any matters referred to it by the Minister;
(l) to promote, encourage, co-ordinate and carry out long range planning In environmental protection and management;
(m) to encourage, promote and give effect to methods of converting and utilizing residues.
(2) Before the end of the month of December of each year, the Authority shall submit to the Minister, a report of the work of the Authority and the Council during the previous financial year, and the Minister shall cause such report to be tabled before Parliament within fourteen days after its receipts or, if Parliament is not in session within fourteen days after the next meeting of Parliament

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