Sri Lanka Consolidated Acts

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National Environmental Act (No. 47 of 1980) - Sect 16

Land Use Scheme

16. The Land Use Scheme formulated under section 15 may include
(a) a scientifically adequate land inventory and classification system ;
(b) a determination of present land uses, the extent to which such land is utilized, under utilized or rendered idle or abandoned ;
(c) a comprehensive and accurate determination of the adaptability of land for community development. agriculture, industry or commerce ;
(d) identification of areas having important historic, cultural, or aesthetic value where uncontrolled development could result in irreparable damage;
(e) a method for exercising control by the Government over the use of land in areas where environment control is deemed necessary ; and
(f) a policy for influencing the location of new areas for the resettlement of persons and the methods for assuring appropriate controls over the use of land in and around such areas.

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