Sri Lanka Consolidated Acts

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National Environmental (Amendment) Act (No. 56 of 1988) - Sect 11

Replacement of section 32 of the principal enactment

11. Section 32 of the principal enactment is hereby repealed and the following section substituted therefore :
(1) The Minister may make regulations m respect of all matters which are stated or are required by this Act to be prescribed or for which regulations are required by this Act to be made.
(2) In particular and without prejudice to the generality of the powers conferred by subsection (1) the Minister may make regulations in respect of all or any of the following matters:
(a) levy of fees for
(i) examining plans, specifications and information relating to installations or proposed installations;
(ii) the issue of licences under this Act; and
(iii) carrying out necessary monitoring duties;
(b) specification of standards or criteria for the implementation of any national environmental policy or classification for the protection of the environment and for protecting beneficial uses;
(c) specification of standards or criteria for determining whether any matter, action or thing is poisonous, objectionable, detrimental to health or within any other description or referred to in this Act;
(d) prohibition of the discharge, emission, or deposit into the environment of any matter, whether liquid, solid, or gaseous, or of radio activity and prohibition or regulating the use of any specified fuel ;
(e) specification of ambient air quality standard and emission standards and specifying the maximum permissible concentrations of any matter that may be present in or discharge into the atmosphere;
(f) prohibition of the use of any equipment, facility, vehicle or boat capable of causing pollution or regulating the construction, installation or operation thereof so as to prevent or minimize pollution;
(g) requirement of issuing pollution warnings or alerts;
(f) prohibition or regulation of the open burning of refuse or other combustible matter;
(i) regulation of the establishment of sites for Use disposal of solid or liquid waste on or in land ;
(j) determination of objectionable noise and specification of standards for tolerable noise;
(k) prohibition of or regulation of bathing, swimming, boating or other activity in or around any waters that may be determintal to health or welfare or having adverse cultural effects or for preventing pollution ;
(l) requirement that the oil refineries and installations operating in Sri Lanka store such substance or material and equipment necessary to deal with any oil pollution of the inland waters of Sri Lanka that may arise in the course of their business;
(m) requirement that the oil refineries carrying on business install such equipment as may be prescribed for the purpose of reducing or preventing any trade affluent from containing oil ;
(n) prescribing the procedure relating to appeals against the decision of the Authority;
(o) relating to visual amenities in urban and rural areas;
(p) storage and transportation of harmonious materials;
(q) disposal of wastes and hazardous materials whether to the atmosphere, waters or soil; and
(r) requirement of specific environmental monitoring duties by the developed or a specified third party delegated for this purpose.
(3) Every regulation made by the Minister shall be published in the Gazette sad shall come into operation on the date on such publication or upon such later date as may be specified in the regulation.
(4) Every regulation made by the Minister shall, as soon as convenient after its publication in the Gazette, be brought before Parliament tot approval. Every regulation which is not so approved shall be deemed to be rescinded as from the date of such disapproval but without prejudice to anything previously done thereunder. Notification of the date on which any regulation is deemed to be rescinded shall be published in the Gazette.

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