Sri Lanka Consolidated Acts

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National Housing (Amendment) Act (No. 36 of 1966) - Sect 4

Amendment of section 32 of the principal Act. [ 4, 36 of 1966.]

4. Section 32 of the principal Act is hereby amended by the repeal of subsection (1) thereof and the substitution, for that subsection, of the following new subsection :-
" (1) The occupier of any house to which this Part applies, his dependants and every other person occupying such house or any portion thereof shall not be entitled to occupy such house or portion thereof after the date of the lawful termination of the occupation of such house by the occupier ; and accordingly the occupier shall on that date vacate the house, deliver possession thereof to his landlord and depart from the land or premises on which such house is situated, together with his dependants, and every other person occupying such land or premises or any portion thereof shall on that date vacate such land or premises. ".

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