Sri Lanka Consolidated Acts

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Notaries (Amendment) Law (No. 20 of 1976) - Sect 10

Amendment of section 31 of the principal enactment

10. Section 31 of the principal enactment is hereby amended as follows: -
(1) by the repeal of rule (29) thereof and the substitution therefor of the following new rule: -
(29) If a deed or instrument other than a will or codicil affects a land situated in a district other than that in which the notary before whom it is signed, and by whom it is attested, shall reside, such notary, or in case such deed or instrument is attested by two or more notaries, then the notary upon whom is cast the duty of transmitting to the Registrar of Lands the duplicate of such deed or instrument, shall on or before the fifteenth day of the month next following that in which the same was executed (besides transmitting the duplicate in manner aforesaid) deliver or , transmit to the Registrar of Lands of the district in which such land shall be situated a copy thereof certified by him as correct, together with a list in duplicate in the form F in the Second Schedule, signed by him, of all such deeds or instruments as relate to lands in such last-mentioned district. " ;and
(2) in rule (36) thereof, by the substitution for paragraph (6) of the following new paragraph : -
(b) He shall keep his records at his office or if he has more than one office, at such office as may be approved of by the Registrar- General and shall at all reasonable times permit the Registrar-General, the Government Agent of the administrative district, High Court: Judge, District Judge or Magistrate of the zone, within which such notary resides to inspect such records at such office.".

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