Sri Lanka Consolidated Acts

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Notaries (Amendment) Law (No. 20 of 1976) - Sect 2

Substitution of new expressions in the Notaries Ordinance

2. In the Notaries Ordinance, hereinafter referred to as the " principal enactment " there shall be substituted -
(a) for the expression " district ", other than where such expression, is used with reference to an administrative district or a district of a Registrar of Lands, the expression " zone ";
(b) for the expression " District Court ", the expression " High Court ";
(c) for the expression " District Judge ", the expression " High Court Judge " :
(d) for the expression " division " the expression "zone";
(e) for the expression " judicial division " the expression " judicial zone ";
(f) for the expression " judicial district ", the expression " judicial zone" ;
(g) for the expression " a proctor ", the expression " an attorney-at-law " for the expression " proctor ", the expression " attorney-at-law ", and for the expression " proctors ", the expression " attorneys-at-law "; and
(h) for the expression " secretary '', the expression " Registrar ".

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