Sri Lanka Consolidated Acts

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North Lanka College of Medical Practitioners (Incorporation) (No. 45 of 1988) - Sect 11

Power to acquire property invest funds, raise loans etc

11. Subject to the provisions of this Act or any other written law, it shall be lawful for the Corporation
(a) to purchase, acquire, rent, construct and otherwise obtain lands, or construct buildings which may be required for the purposes of the Corporation and may lawfully be acquired for those purposes and to deal with, or dispose of, the same as it may deem expedient with a view to promoting the objects of the Corporation ;
(b) to invest any funds not immediately required for the purposes of the Corporation in such manner as the Corporation may think fit, and from time to time, to vary one transpose any such investments;
(c) to raise, or borrow, money for the purposes of the Corporation on any security and to secure or discharge any debt or obligation of the Corporation in such manner as it may think fit;
(d) to accept gifts or grants intended for the promotion of the objects of the Corporation;
(e) to subscribe, or guarantee, money for any charitable purpose; and
(f) to undertake, accept, execute, perform and administer, any lawful trusts and conditions affecting any real and personal property held, or owned, or to be held, or owned, in trust for the Corporation or any other charitable association, institution, society or body and any other charitable trusts.

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