Sri Lanka Consolidated Acts

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North Lanka College of Medical Practitioners (Incorporation) (No. 45 of 1988) - Sect 3

General objects of the Corporation

3. The general objects for which the Corporation is constituted are hereby declared to be-
(a) to undertake or assist others in taking training courses or other educational activities designed to enhance the knowledge and skill of medical practitioners, dentists, nurses medical laboratory technologists, radiographers, pharmacists and other paramedical personnel :
(b) to encourage the carrying on by medical practitioners and medical students, of research into medical matters, with a view to improve the standard of medical services in any field, and to undertake or assist others in undertaking such research having regard to the special needs of and the economic resources available in Sri Lanka ,
(c) to encourage the publication by medical practitioner, of original work on medical or scientific subjects connected with medical practice,
(d) to establish, maintain, manage and administer an institution for the purpose of providing, or promoting, courses of study and facilities for education, instruction and training of, medical practitioners, students preparing to qualify as medical practitioners, or persons employed, or qualifying to be employed, as para medical personnel, in hospitals, dispensaries, clinics, laboratories or similar institutions which have been established to assist medical practitioners in providing medical, surgical and health services ;
(e) to construct, equip and maintain, libraries and other buildings for the administrative, instructional, residential or any other purpose of the Corporation ;
(f) to co-operate with other bodies not formed for profit, in all matters relating to or connected with, the attainment of the objects for which the Corporation is established ;
(g) to collaborate with recognised under-graduate and post-graduate medical training centres abroad, and with the Post-Graduate Institute of Medicine (established by Ordinance No. 1 of 1980, and in accordance with the provisions of the Universities Act, No. 16 of 1978), for the provision of course of study leading to the award of graduate and post-graduate degrees:
(h) to negotiate, and arrange, teacher exchange programmes with institutions in Sri Lanka and abroad :
(i) to do all such other acts and things as may be necessary for or conducive to the attainment and promotion of the objects of the Corporation :
Provided however, that the objects for which the Corporation is established and the powers incidental there to shall be subject to the following pro- visions namely-
(i) the Corporation shall not support with its funds any object or endeavour to impose on, or procure to be observed by, its members or others any regulation, restriction or condition, which if it were an object of the Corpora tion would make it a trade union ;
(ii) the Corporation shall not attempt, directly or indirectly, to secure the passing of legislation to the effect that the passing of any examination under the aegis of the Corporation, shall be a qualification to act as a registered medical practitioner;
(iii) the Corporation shall in carrying out the objects set out in this section be subject to any other written law for the time being in force

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