Sri Lanka Consolidated Acts

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National Zoological Gardens Act (No. 41 of 1982) - Sect 8

The Zoo Development and Welfare Fund

(1) A Fund to be called the Zoo Development and Welfare Fund (hereinafter referred to as the "Fund") shall be established for the purposes of this Act.
(2) There shall be paid into the Fund
(a) all such sums of money as may be received by way of donations from any source whatsoever ;
(b) all such sums of money as may be recovered by the Director under section 6 ;
(c) all such sums of money as may be recovered by way of fines; ;
(d) all such sums of money as may be received by the sale of garden produce ; and
(e) all other sums of money received by the Zoo by way of any income from any source whatsoever.
(3) The following sums of money shall, subject to the prior approval of the Secretary to the Ministry of the Minister in charge of the subject of Finance, be paid out of the Fund
(a) all such sums of money as may be necessary to pro- vide ancillary services to the visitors to the Zoo;
(b) all such sums of money as may be necessary to pro- vide welfare and incentive schemes to the employees of the Zoo ; and :
(c) all expenditure required for the purposes of this Act unless otherwise specifically provided for.
(4) The Director shall be responsible for the administration of the Fund.
(5) The accounts of the Fund shall be audited by the Auditor-General.

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