(1) Any person who
| (a) on board a Sri Lanka aircraft in flight, unlawfully by force or threat thereof or any other form of intimidation, seizes, or exercises control of, that aircraft; | | |
| (b) unlawfully and intentionally performs any such act of violence against a person on board a Sri Lanka aircraft in flight as is likely to endanger the safety of that aircraft; or | | |
| (c) unlawfully a aircraft in id intentionally destroys a Sri Lanka service ; or | | |
| (d) unlawfully and intentionally causes such damage a Sri Lanka aircraft in service as renders it incapable of flight or as is likely to endanger its safety in flight; or | | |
| (e) unlawfully and intentionally places or causes to be placed in a Sri Lanka aircraft in service by any means whatsoever, any device or substance which is likely to
| | | (i) destroy that aircraft ; or |
| (ii) cause such damage to it as to render it incapable of flight or as is likely to endanger its safety in flight; or |
| (f) unlawfully and intentionally causes such damage or destruction to, or makes such interference with the operation of, any air navigation facilities used in international air navigation as is likely to endanger the safety of a Sri Lanka aircraft in flight; or | | |
| (g) unlawfully and intentionally communicates information which he knows to be false endangering the safety of a Sri Lanka aircraft in flight, | | |