Sri Lanka Consolidated Acts

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Police Commission Act (No. 1 of 1990) - Sect 13

Investigations of offences

(1) A Provincial Division of the Sri Lanka Police Force shall be responsible for the prevention, detection and investigation of all offences, other than offences specified in the Schedule to Appendix I of List I of the Ninth Schedule to the Constitution, within the Province, and subject to the powers of the Attorney-General under the Code of Criminal Procedure Act, No. 15 of 1979, the institution of prosecutions in the relevant courts in respect of such offences:
(a) where the Chief Minister of the Province requests that the investigation of such offence be conducted by the National Division; or
(b) where the Inspector-General of Police is of the opinion that investigation of such offence by the National Division is necessary in the public interest and directs, after consultation with the Chief Minister of the Province and with the approval of the Attorney-General, that such offence be investigated by the National Division,
(2) The National Division of the Sri Lanka Police Force shall be responsible for the prevention, detection and investigation of all offences specified in the Schedule to Appendix I of List I of the Ninth Schedule to the Constitution, and subject to the powers of the Attorney-General under the Code of Criminal Procedure Act, No. 15 of 1979, for the institution of prosecutions in the relevant courts in respect of such offences.
(3) It shall be the duty of the Deputy Inspector-General of a Province to notify the Inspector-General of Police, of prosecutions instituted in any court, by the Provincial Division of that Province, in respect of any offence other than an offence specified in the Schedule to Appendix I of List I of the Ninth Schedule to the Constitution.

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