Sri Lanka Consolidated Acts

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Police Commission Act (No. 1 of 1990) - Sect 6

Cadres and training of police officers

(1) Cadres of Police, Officers of all ranks of the National Division shall be fixed by the Government of Sri Lanka in consultation with the National Police Commission. The Cadres of Officers and other ranks of each Provincial Division shall be fixed by the Provincial Administration with the approval of the President, having regard to
(a) the area of the Province ;
(b) population of the Province ; and
(c) such other criteria, as may be agreed to or prescribed.
(2) The cadres of the Provincial Divisions shall be fixed on ascertained principles such as population, area, number of Police Stations involved and other relevant considerations. These principles shall be applied to all Provincial Divisions without distinction.
(3) The salary scales and perquisites of office enjoyed by the various ranks in the National and Provincial Divisions shall be determined by the Government of Sri Lanka after consultation with the Chief Ministers of the Provinces. The salary scales and perquisites of office as enjoyed by members of the Provincial Divisions shall apply uniformly to all Provincial Divisions.
(4) The Government of Sri Lanka shall be responsible for the training of, all recruits to, and of members of, the National and Provincial Divisions of the Sri Lanka Police Force in consultation with the National Police Commission. The President may, where he considers it necessary, provide for alternative training for members of any Provincial Division.

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