Sri Lanka Consolidated Acts

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Parliamentary Elections (Amendment) Act (No. 15 of 1988) - Sect 14

Amendment of section 53 of the principal enactment

14. Section 53 of the principal enactment is hereby amended as follows:
(1) by the repeal of subsection (7) of that section, and the substitution of the following subsection therefor:
" (7) The counting officer shall prepare a written statement in words as well as in figures of the number of votes given for each recognized political party and independent group and a separate statement, in words as well as in figures, of the number of preferences indicated for every candidate nominated by each such party or group and each such statement shall be certified by the counting officer and witnessed by one of his assistants or clerks and the counting agents of any party or group as are present and desire to sign. The counting officer shall on request allow arty counting agent to copy the statement.'".
(2) by the insertion immediately after subsection (7) of that section, of the following new subsections
"(7A) The preferences indicated by a voter in his ballot paper for the candidates nominated by a recognized political party or independent group shall be disregarded if such voter has indicated preferences for more than three candidates nominated by such party or group.
(7B) Where a voter indicates in his ballot paper more than one preference for a candidate nominated by a recognized political party or independent group all the preferences so indicated shall be regarded as one preference.
(7C) Any preference indicted by a voter in his ballot paper which is void for uncertainty as to the candidate for whom if, is indicated shall be rejected.''.

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