Sri Lanka Consolidated Acts

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Public Examinations Act (No. 25 of 1968) - Sect 21

Oath of secrecy

21. Except in the performance of any duty or function or the exercise of any power under this Act or any regulation made thereunder, every person entrusted with any power, duty or function in connection with any public examination shall preserve and aid in preserving secrecy with regard to all matters relating to such examination that may come to his knowledge, and shall not communicate any such matter to any person other than the person to whom he is authorized to communicate it, or offer or permit any unauthorized person to have access to any secret document or other document in his possession, custody, or control. Every such person employed in the performance of any duty or function or the exercise of any power under this Act or any regulation made thereunder relating to any public examination shall, before acting in such capacity, take and subscribe before a Justice of the Peace or a Commissioner for Oaths an oath of secrecy in a form prescribed by the Commissioner. The Commissioner may prescribe different forms of oaths of secrecy for different persons in accordance with the functions that are to be performed by such persons.

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