Sri Lanka Consolidated Acts

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Parliamentary Elections (Amendment) Act (No. 29 of 1988) - Sect 2

Amendment of section 7 Act, No. 1 of 1981

2.Section 7 of the Parliamentary Elections Act, No. 1 of 1981, is hereby amended by the repeal of subsection (4) of that section and the substitution of the following subsection therefor'-
" (4)
(a) The secretary of any political party, other than a party which is already entitled to be treated as a recognized political party for the purpose of elections, may, subject to the provisions of paragraph (c) and paragraph (d), at any time make on behalf of that party a written application to the Commissioner, that such party be treated as a recognized political party for the purpose of elections. This application shall also specify which one of the approved symbols such party desires to be allotted to such party if so treated.
(b) The secretary of a political party shall, at the time an application is made under paragraph (a), furnish to the Commissioner a copy of the constitution of such party and a list of office bearers of such party.
(c) Nothing in paragraph (a) shall be read or construed as enabling the secretary of a political party to make an application under that paragraph at any time during any of the following periods, that is to say, the period
(i) commencing on the date of a Proclamation dissolving Parliament or of an Order requiring the holding of an election under the Parliamentary Elections Act, No. 1 of 1981 and ending on this date of poll specified in such Proclamation or Order; or
(ii) commencing on the date of an Order made under section 2 of the Presidential Elections Act, No. 15 of 1981 and ending on the date of poll fixed by that Order; or
(iii) commencing on the date of a notice under section 10 of the Provincial Councils Elections Act, No. 2 of 1988, relating to an election under that Act, and ending on the date of poll specified for that election in an Order made under section 22 of that Act; or
(iv) commencing on the date of a notice under section 10 of the Development Councils Elections Act, No. 20 of 1981, relating to an election under that Act. and ending on the date of poll specified for that election in a notice made under section 22 of that Act; or
(v) commencing on the date of a notice under section 26 of the Local Authorities Elections Ordinance, relating to an election under that Ordinance, and ending on the date of poll specified for that election in a notice under section 38 of that Ordinance; or
(vi) commencing on the date of a Proclamation issued under section 2 of the Referendum Act, No. 7 of 1981 and ending on the date of poll appointed by that Proclamation.
(d) Where an application made under paragraph (a) in respect of a political party is disallowed by the Commissioner, no application shall be made under that paragraph in respect of that political party until after the expiration of a period of six months from the date of the order disallowing the first application.",

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