Sri Lanka Consolidated Acts

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Plumbago Export Duty(special provisions) Act (No. 17 of 1961) - Sect 3

Export duty on plumbago to be leviable and payable at a reduced rate

(1) Notwithstanding anything in the Customs Ordinance or any resolution passed by the House of Representatives under section 10 of that Ordinance or any other written law,-
(a) the export duty on plumbago shall be leviable and payable at the rate of one rupee per hundredweight;
(b) section 5 of the Revenue Protection Ordinance shall not apply to such duty; and
(c) such duty shall, for the purposes of the Customs Ordinance, be deemed to be imposed by resolution passed by the House of Representatives under section 10 of the Customs Ordinance, and such duty may at any time be abolished, increased, reduced or otherwise altered by a like resolution or by an Order made under section 2 of the Revenue Protection Ordinance.
(2) Nothing in paragraph (c) of subsection (1) shall be deemed or construed to prejudice or affect the operation of section 3 of the Revenue Protection Ordinance in the event of the export duty leviable and payable on plumbago by virtue of that subsection being altered by an Order referred to in that paragraph.

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