Sri Lanka Consolidated Acts

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Police (Amendment) Law (No. 3 of 1974) - Sect 4

Amendment of section 28a of the principal enactment

4. Section 28A of the principal enactment (inserted by Act No. 15 of 1962 and amended by Act No. 3 of 1972) is hereby further amended by the substitution, for subsection (1) of that section/ of the following new subsection: -
" (1) The Minister may, with the concurrence of the Minister in charge of the subject of Finance, make regulations providing for the establishment and operation of a scheme for the grant of compensation to any police officer who is permanently, totally or partially disabled, or to the legal heir or heirs of any police officer who is dead, in any case where such disablement or death, as the case may be, is due to any injury - Such regulations may provide for the principles, exceptions, restrictions and conditions according, and subject, to which such compensation will be granted and for all other matters necessary or expedient for the establishment and operation of such scheme. Such regulations may make different provisions in respect of police officers who are members of the police reserve and police officers who are not such members.".
(a) received by such officer while on duty, or
(b) received by such officer while on a direct journey-
(i) from his place of residence to his place of work to report for duty, or
(ii) from his place of work to his place of residence after duty, or
(c) received by such officer while not on duty in the performance of some act which is within the scope of his ordinary duties, or
(d) received by such officer in consequence of any act performed in the execution of his duties, or
(e) received by such officer as a result of any act of reprisal occasioned by or arising out of any action taken by him in the execution of his duties.

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