Sri Lanka Consolidated Acts

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Payment Of Gratuities And Other Monetary Benefits To Indian Repatriates (Special Provisions) Law (No. 34 of 1978) - Sect 8

Payments due to Indian repatriates employed on estates vested in the Land Reform Commission or acquired under the Land Acquisition Act

(1) Where an estate on which an Indian repatriate was employed has been vested In the Land Reform Commission under the Land Reform Law, or has been acquired under the Land Acquisition Act, the Commissioner shall, after such inquiry as he may deem necessary, issue a certificate specifying the amount of gratuity and other monetary benefits due to such repatriate from the employer in respect of his services under such employer prior to the date of such vesting or acquisition.
(2) The correctness of any statement in the certificate issued by the Commissioner under subsection (1) or the authority of the Commissioner to issue such certificate shall not be called in question in any court or tribunal by writ or otherwise.
(3) Where the Commissioner issues a certificate under subsection (1) specifying the sum due to an Indian repatriate from his employer, the Land Reform Commission or the acquiring officer, as the ease may be, shall make payment to such repatriate through the Commissioner, of such sum as may be certified, after such repatriate produces a permit from the Controller of Exchange for the transfer of his assets or the assets of his family.
(4) A copy of the certificate referred to in sub section (1) shall be sent by the Commissioner to the employer of the repatriate in respect of whom such certificate is issued.
(5) The sum paid by the Land Reform Commission or the acquiring officer to an Indian repatriate under the provisions of this Law, shall be a first charge on the compensation payable to the employer of such repatriate under sections 32 and 42J of the Land Reform Law or section 17 of the Land Acquisition Act, as the case may be, and such sum shall be deducted from the amount of compensation awarded to such employer.

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