21. The functions of a District Association shall be
(a) to ensure that the regular omnibus services provided in the district by the members of the Association are such that they meet the transportation requirements of the public ; |
(b) to lay down omnibus schedules and enforce their implementation ; |
(c) to ensure the safety and comfort of passengers and the efficiency of the services provided ; |
(d) to appoint stand keepers, checkers and other staff as are necessary and to handle all disciplinary matters relating to them; |
(e) to pay stand fees and other charges on behalf of members; |
(f) to make such levies as are necessary from members for the proper functioning of the Association; |
(g) to recommend to the Director through the Federation changes in route permits where necessary; and |
(h) to liase and co-ordinate with other District Associations and the Federation with a view to ensure equitable return time schedules and loads. |