Sri Lanka Consolidated Acts

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Prevention of the Avoidance of Tax Act (No. 26 of 1970) - Sect 8

Relief available to persons who have been refused the payment of any money held in deposit in any scheduled bank to the credit of such person

8. Where the payment of any sum of money held In deposit In any scheduled bank under this Act to the credit of any person Is withheld or refused by such bank otherwise than in conformity with the provisions of section 7, such person may bring an action against the Attorney-General for the recovery of the money so held In deposit, and In any such action the onus shall be on the plaintiff to prove that the currency notes surrendered under this Act to which such deposit so relates belonged to such person. Such person shall not be entitled to any other remedy in any court, whether by way of action or application or writ, for the recovery of the money constituting such deposit.

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