Sri Lanka Consolidated Acts

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Public Performances (Amendment) Act (No. 26 of 1964) - Sect 6

Amendment of section 5 of the principal enactment.[ 6, 40 of 1961.] [ 2, 26 of 1964.]

6. Section 5 of the principal enactment is hereby amended as follows : -
(1) by the renumbering of that section as subsection (1) of that section ;
(2) in the renumbered subsection (1) of that section, by the substitution, for the words " public performances ", of the words " public performances or carnivals " ; and
(3) by the addition, immediately after subsection (1) of that section, of the following new subsection : -
" (2) Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph (13) of section 272 of the Municipal Councils Ordinance read with subsection (1), or of any by-laws made thereunder for the regulation of carnivals, no Municipal Council shall issue a licence for the conduct of a carnival within the administrative limits of such Council, except with the concurrence of the Inspector-General of Police.".

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