Sri Lanka Consolidated Acts

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Petroleum Resources Act (No. 26 of 2003) - Sect 11

Conditions to be attached to Development

(1) In order to ensure the efficient conduct of petroleum operations within the area covered by the licence issued under section 10 by the PRDC, the Cabinet of Ministers may horn time to time determine the conditions to which such license shall be subject Any amendment or variation of the conditions applicable shall also be done only with the approval of the Cabinet of- Ministers
(2) The Cabinet of Minister may, in consultation with the Ministry of the Minister in charge of the subject of Petroleum Resources Development and the PRDC, determine-
(a) the additional conditions to be attached to a Development License, for the maintenance of navigation, protection of the environment, mitigating adverse social impacts on communities and in the interest of national security ; and
(b) the amount of reasonable compensation to be paid by the Contractor to any person who may be adversely affected by petroleum operations conducted within the area for which the development license is issued.
(3) The PRDC shall issue a development license in respect of a designated area of an exploration block for a period that will ensure the maximum efficient recovery of petroleum resources from that area, so however, that such period does not exceed the period for which a Petroleum Resources Agreement has been entered into, in respect of such exploration block.
(4) The PRDC may require a contractor by notice in writing, to furnish any such return or information as the PRDC may consider necessary for the proper exercise of its powers or the discharge of its functions, and it shall be the duty of the Contractor to comply with the requirements of such notice. No information or the contents of any return furnished in compliance with the requirements of a notice sent in terms of this subsection shall be published or communicated to any person except with the consent of the Contractor furnishing such return or information or by the PRDC in the discharge of its functions.

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