Sri Lanka Consolidated Acts

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Petroleum Resources Act (No. 26 of 2003) - Sect 29


(1) Any person who"
(a) conducts petroleum operations in contravention of the provisions of section 7;
(b) resists or obstructs a person authorized under section 29 in the exercise by such person or officer of any powers conferred on him by or under this Act;
(c) fails without reasonable cause, to comply with the requirements of a notice issued under paragraph (n) of section 6;
(d) knowingly makes any false statement in any return or information furnished by him under section 6 or in any application to enter into a Petroleum Resources Agreement in respect of an exploration block:
(e) willfully omits any material fact from any return or information furnished by him under section 6 or in any application to enter into a Petroleum Resources Agreement in respect of an exploration block;
(f) willfully damages or sabotages any petroleum operations;
(g) fraudulently or negligently deprives the State of its share of petroleum resources or Petroleum Resources Royally;
(h) contravenes any regulation made under this Act,
(2) Where a person is convicted of an offence under paragraph (1) of subsection (1), the Magistrate may order the offender to pay to the State, compensation in such sum as is equivalent to the value of the petroleum resources or the Petroleum Resources Royalty, which the State been deprived of, as a result of the act constituting the offence.

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