Sri Lanka Consolidated Acts

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Personal Tax Act (No. 14 of 1959) - Sect 20

Contribution in respect of taxable gifts to the Personal Tax

(1) Subject to the other provisions of this Chapter, there shall be charged for every year of assessment commencing on or after April 1, 1959, a contribution, at the rate or rates specified in Schedule III to this Act, to the Personal Tax in respect of the taxable gifts made by every individual.
(2) Such part of the contribution of an assessee in respect of his taxable gifts to the Personal Tax for any year of assessment as is attributable to the value of any one of his taxable gifts shall be deemed to be a sum which bears to the value of that gift the same proportion as the amount of such contribution bears to the value of his taxable gifts.
(3) Where stamp duty has been paid in respect of an instrument by which an assessee has made a taxable gift, the amount of such stamp duty shall be deducted, to the extent that it can be deducted, from the amount of his contribution in respect of his taxable gifts to the Personal Tax.
(4) The contribution in respect of taxable gifts to the Personal Tax shall be made by the donor, but where such contribution cannot be recovered from the donor, it may be recovered from the donee notwithstanding that no assessment has been made upon the donee, and the provisions of this Act as to collection and recovery of the Personal Tax shall apply accordingly:

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