Sri Lanka Consolidated Acts

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Personal Tax Act (No. 14 of 1959) - Sect 60


(1) For the purposes of this Act there may be appointed such number of Deputy Commissioners of Inland Revenue, Assistant Commissioners of Inland Revenue and Assessors of Personal Tax as may be necessary.
(2) A Deputy Commissioner of Inland Revenue appointed for the purposes of the Income Tax Ordinance shall have all the powers under this Act of a Deputy Commissioner of Inland Revenue appointed for the purposes of this Act.
(3) An Assistant Commissioner of Inland Revenue appointed for the purposes of the Income Tax Ordinance shall have all the powers under this Act of an Assistant Commissioner of Inland Revenue appointed for the purposes of this Act.
(4) An Assessor of Income Tax appointed for the purposes of the Income Tax Ordinance shall have all the powers of an Assessor of Personal Tax under this Act.

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