Sri Lanka Consolidated Acts

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Public Utilities Commission of Sri Lanka Act (No. 35 of 2002) - Sect 30

Minister to issue general policy guidelines

(1) The Cabinet of Ministers shall in consultation with the Minister in charge of a public utilities industry, formulate where it sees fit, general policy guidelines and issue such guidelines to the Commission through the Minister-
(a) on any matter identified in or under such industry Act for which general policy guidelines may be made ;
(b) on the need for the supply of public utility services under such industry Act in order to attain national targets for sustainable economic growth in respect of, among other things-
(i) different geographical areas encompassing rural areas ; and
(ii) different socio-economic groups ;
(c) on measures taken by the Government to facilitate the needs identified under paragraph (b) ;
(d) on setting down the priorities and attaining the objectives specified in paragraphs (a), (b) and (c) .
(2) Where any general policy guideline issued under subsection (1) results in the need for a regulated entity to subsidize the provision of any service of a public utilities industry to any socio-economic group or to a geographical area, the Commission shall, in implementing the policy guidelines, ensure that-
(a) the government compensates such regulated entity for all loss and expenses caused to that regulated entity by reason of its compliance ; and
(b) adequate financial provision is made by the Government before such regulated entity undertakes any necessary activities.
(3) The Minister shall-
(a) within three months of the end of each calendar year submit a report to parliament setting out the action he or she has taken in respect of implementing the policy guidelines during the said calendar year ; and
(b) prior to issuing the general policy guidelines under subsection (1), lay such policy guidelines before parliament for information.

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