Sri Lanka Consolidated Acts

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Public Utilities Commission of Sri Lanka Act (No. 35 of 2002) - Sect 5

Qualifications &c of members of the Commission

(1) The members of the Commission shall be persons with ability and integrity and have shown capacity in addressing problems relating to engineering, law, economics, business management, accordingly or administration-
(2) A Person shall be disqualified from being appointed, or continuing as a member of the Commission it-
(a) he or she is not a citizen of Sri Lanka ; or
(b) he or she has been convicted of a criminal offence ; or
(c) he or she is, or has been an undischarged bankrupt or has made any arrangement with his or her creditors ; or
(d) he or she is, or has been within three years prior to his or her nomination for appointment, a member of parliament ; or
(e) he or she is a member of a Provincial Council or any local authority ; or
(f) he or she holds any post in any political party recognized for the purposes of parliamentary elections: or
(g) he or she or a connected person, has any financial or other interest amounting to a conflict of interest, directly or indirectly, in any company or undertaking which carries on any public utilities industry.

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