Sri Lanka Consolidated Acts

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Rajapakse Memorial, Educational, Cultural And Social Services Foundation (Incorporation) Act (No. 23 of 1998) - Sect 3

General objects of the Corporation-

3. The general objects for which the Corporation is constituted are hereby declared to be"
(a) to undertake, the execution of road development and housing schemes, the construction and improvement of hospitals, Aesthetic Educational Centres, Mass Media Centres such as Radio and Television Centres and Educational Centres schools, community centres and such other activities with a view to developing towns and villages ;
(b) to afford children in indigent circumstances an opportunity to prepare for, to enter upon, or to engage in, a trade, occupation or service and to provide them with clothing, instruction fees or such other facilities ;
(c) to conduct the Sisura Educational Scholarship and to award grant and provide bursaries, scholarships, prizes, donations, financial aid and assistance in other forms, for the advancement, and promotion of knowledge, the furtherance of education, the establishment and maintenance of libraries and cultural centres ;
(d) to help to preserve and disseminate the Buddhist philosophy and the Buddhist way of life ;
(e) to establish and maintain friendly relations with other Buddhist organizations, in Sri Lanka and abroad ;
(f) to conduct vocational training courses for youth in Sri Lanka ;
(g) to train students in small industries and to assist them, financially or otherwise, to establish themselves as useful citizens ;
(h) to promote education by establishing and maintaining pirivenas, schools and other educational institutions and by granting scholarships ;
(i) to provide medical aid, food and housing to the poor, the destitute and the sick ;
(j) to establish and maintain orphanages and homes for the aged and to establish social welfare centres ;
(k) to provide welfare facilities for the deaf, dumb and the blind and disabled persons and to establish welfare homes;
(l) to assist financially by granting scholarships or otherwise to the voluntary workers and others who are engaged in the attainment of the objects of the Corporation ;
(m) to establish and maintain libraries to subscribe for and issue books, journals, souvenirs and periodicals and to provide such other services as may be deemed desirable for attaining the objects of the Corporation ;
(n) to establish and maintain a Rajapakse Memorial Holiday Resort and a Botanical Garden ;
(o) to promote, arrange, organize and hold exhibitions, lectures, seminars, symposia, workshops, classes, debates, conferences, tours excursions or any other activities in the furtherence of the objects of the Corporation ;
(p) to co-operate and associate with other associations, societies or organizations having objects similar to those of the Corporation ;
(q) to sponsor and conduct conferences, seminars, workshops, group studies and lectures in Sri Lanka and elsewhere, in furtheranace of the objects of the Corporation ;
(r) to print, publish and distribute books, journals, leaflets, newspapers and magazines which the Corporation may consider desirable for the promotion and advancement of its objects ; and
(s) to do such other acts and things as may be necessary, incidental or conducive to the accomplishment of all or any of the objects of the Corporation.

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