Sri Lanka Consolidated Acts

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Registration Of Documents (Amendment) Law (No. 19 of 1976) - Sect 2

Amendment of the First Schedule to Chapter 117

2. The Registration of Documents Ordinance is hereby amended in the First Schedule thereto as follows :-
(1) In Part I of that Schedule-
(i) by the substitution for item 1 thereof, of the following new item :-
"1. Every instrument of release), surrender or annulment and every receipt or discharge where the amount of principal for which such instrument or receipt or discharge is given does not exceed Rs. 5,000, a fee of Rs. 5 0
(ii) by the substitution for Item 10 thereof, of the following new item :-
"10. An Instrument presented to the Registrar-General under section 29, in addition to any other fee payable, a fee of-
(2) In Part III of that Schedule -
(i) by the substitution for item 1 thereof, of the following new Item :-
(ii) by the substitution for item 2 thereof, of the following new item :-
"2. An application to inspect any book or index kept under Chapters III, IV, V, VI, for each transaction or matter in respect or which the search is made, a fee of Rs. 2 50";
(iii) by the substitution for item 3 thereof, of the following new item :-
" 3. An application for copies or extracts from any deed, or for copies of or extracts from any folio or folios relating to any land, a fee of and Rs. 2 50";
(iv) by the substitution for item 4 thereof, of the following new item :-
" 4.

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