Sri Lanka Consolidated Acts

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Registration Of Title Act (No. 21 of 1998) - Sect 14

Order of Declaration

14. On the conclusion of the investigation in terms of section 13. the Commissioner of Title Settlement shall publish in the Gazette, his determination thereon as follows :"
(a) where the Commissioner of Title Settlement is of the view that a claimant to a land parcel has a title of Absolute Ownership, he shall declare such claimant eligible to be registered with a First Class Title of Absolute Ownership ;
(b) where the Commissioner of Title Settlement is of the view that a claimant does not qualify for a First Class Title of Absolute Ownership but the claimant is in bonafide possession of the land parcel, he may declare the claimant eligible to be registered with a Second Class Title of Ownership with the right, at the end of a period of uninterrupted and unchallenged possession of ten years from the date of registration in such capacity, to have such Second Class Title converted to a registration with First Class Title of Absolute Ownership ;
(c) where the Commissioner of Title Settlement is of the view that the claimant has established a claim to a part of the land parcel claimed he shall declare the claimant eligible to be registered with a First Class Title of Absolute Ownership or a Second Class Title of Ownership, as the case may be, to a divided portion of such parcel ;
(d) where the Commissioner of Title Settlement is of the view that it is not possible to recognise one or more of such claims without reducing the extent of a divided portion of a land parcel below the prescribed economic unit, he shall declare all such claimants who have a valid claim to such parcel, eligible for registration as co-owners of such parcel with a title of co-ownership to the extent of the individual claimant's co-ownership.

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