Sri Lanka Consolidated Acts

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Registration Of Title Act (No. 21 of 1998) - Sect 45

Attestor to forward instruments attested within seven days

(a) Any instrument attested in terms of section 44 together with the Certificate of Title pertaining to the title of the vendor shall be forwarded by the Attestor working days of such attestation to the Registrar of Title within whose area of jurisdiction the land parcel dealt with in such instrument is situate.
(b) Failure to forward the attested instrument within the stipulated period shall be an offence punishable with the prescribed penalty.
(2) The Registrar of Title shall record the receipt of such instrument in the books maintained by him under the provisions of this Act and satisfy himself of the following:"
(a) that the instrument has been drawn in accordance with the provisions of this Act;
(b) that the land parcel has been identified and described accurately and conforms with the description of such land parcel in the Registers in the Title Registry ;
(c) that the person conveying such title or interest had the capacity to execute such instrument according to the information available in the Registers in the Title Registry ;
(d) that the title or interest conveyed or dealt with, has been unambiguously identified and conforms to that recorded in the Registers in the Title Registry.
(3) If the Registrar of Title is of the opinion that all requirements for registration under this Act are complied with, he shall register such title or interest in the prescribed manner, file the instrument creating or transferring such title or interest and the Certificate of Title submitted by the vendor in the relevant parcels file and issue a Certificate of Title to the person who tendered the instrument ;

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