Sri Lanka Consolidated Acts

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Registration Of Title Act (No. 21 of 1998) - Sect 52

Mode of registration of condominium parcels

52. If the Registrar of Title is satisfied that the application conforms to the provisions of the Apartment Ownership Law, No. 11 of 1973 and this Act, he shall"
(a) file the duplicate of the condominium plan in the Parcels File ;
(b) open a new title register in the Register in respect of each condominium parcel shown on the Condominium Plan and make suitable cross references to such register in the register in which the land parcel is registered ;
(c) record in the Property Section in the register pertaining to the land parcel that the land comprised therein consists only of common property ;
(d) record in the Encumbrances Section that registers in respect of condominium parcels have been opened ;
(e) inform the applicant that such condominium parcels have been registered and notify him of the reference numbers of the relevant registers ; and
(f) issue a Certificate of Title after recovery of the prescribed fees.

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