Sri Lanka Consolidated Acts

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Registration Of Title Act (No. 21 of 1998) - Sect 60

Person suffering loss or damage to be indemnified

(1) Any person suffering loss or damage or who has been prejudiced by reason of"
(a) any rectification of the Register in pursuance of an order of Court under this Act; or
(b) not rectifying the Register in consequence of an order of Court made under section 59,
(2) No sums shall be paid by way of indemnity under this Act, to any person who has himself caused, or substantially contributed to any fraud referred to in section 59 or who derives his title from a person who has caused or substantially contributed to such fraud.
(3) Where any sum is awarded by way of indemnity on account of the loss of title to, or interest in any land it shall not exceed in any case where"
(a) the register is rectified, the market value of the land parcel or the interest in such land parcel immediately before the rectification ;
(b) the register is not rectified, the market value of the land parcel or the interest in such land parcel at the time when the entry relating to such interest was made in the Register.
(4) Where any sum is awarded by way of indemnity, the Registrar-General of Title may on application to Court by way of summary procedure," recover the amount so awarded from any person who has caused or substantially contributed to the loss by his fraud or negligence.

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