Sri Lanka Consolidated Acts

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Registration Of Title Act (No. 21 of 1998) - Sect 68


(1) Any State institution or local authority may make use of and have access to the registers maintained under the provisions of this Act to be used for planning, administration and other activities of such Institution or local authority.
(2) Any State institution or local authority may request the Registrar-General of Title to include in the Registers maintained, under this Act, particulars of payments due to it on lands registered therein and the Registrar-General of Title shall accordingly take steps to record such information in the Title Register in the manner prescribed.
(3) Any State institution or local authority may request the Registrar-General of Title to include in the Registers maintained under this Act , particulars pertaining to the natural properties of the land, any development done on the land and any servitude; on receipt of such request the Registrar -General of Title shall cause such information to be recorded in the Title Register in the prescribed manner.

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