Sri Lanka Consolidated Acts

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Registration Of Title Act (No. 21 of 1998) - Sect 75


75. In this Act unless the context otherwise requires" "instrument" means a document having the effect of conveying title to and interest in any land parcel in the prescribed form, "interest in land parcel" means an interest Jess than full ownership of the land parcel and includes any Servitudes or encumbrance over such land parcel; "land" includes land covered with water, and any benefit arising out of any land, all things attached to the earth or permanently fastened thereto ; "licensed auctioneer" means an auctioneer licensed under the Auctioneers and Brokers Ordinance (Chapter 109); "Minister" means the Minister to whom the subject of lands has been assigned ; "owner" means-
(a) in relation to a land parcel the person named in the Title Register as the owner thereof, and ;
(b) in relation to an interest in a land parcel, the person named in the register as the person in whose favour the interest is registered ;
"Land parcel" means an area of land separately delineated on the cadastral map ; "Registrar-General of Title" includes any Deputy or Assistant; "Registrar of Title" means any person appointed as Registrar of Title under this Act; "registered land" means a land parcel the title to which is registered under this Act; "servitude " means a right enjoyed by a person over a land parcel owned by another person ; "Surveyor-General" means the officer appointed as Surveyor-General of Sri Lanka or any other officer appointed in writing to act on his behalf for the purposes of this Act to the extent specified in such letter of appointment; "Superintendent of Surveys" means any person performing the functions of a Superintendent of Surveys in the Survey Department; "Title Register" means the Title Register under the provisions of this Act.

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