Sri Lanka Consolidated Acts

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Rent Restriction (Amendment) Act (No. 12 of 1966) - Sect 8

Insertion of new sections 16A and 16B in the principal Act [ 7, 10 of 1961.]

8. The following new sections are hereby inserted immediately after section 16, and shall have effect as sections 16A and 16B, of the principal Act :-
16A. The board may, upon an application made in that behalf by the landlord or the tenant of the premises, by order determine the amount of the authorized rent of the premises.
(1) The landlord of any premises to which this Act applies shall, upon being requested to do so by the tenant of such premises, give to the tenant a certificate of tenancy relating to such premises in the prescribed form. A certificate of tenancy given under this section by a landlord to a tenant shall be admissible in evidence and shall be prima facie evidence of the facts stated therein.
(2) Where the landlord of any premises to which this Act applies refuses to give the tenant a certificate of tenancy, the board shall, upon application made to it by the tenant, give to the tenant a certificate of tenancy relating to such premises in the prescribed form, and a certificate of tenancy given by the board to the tenant shall be deemed to be a certificate of tenancy given by the landlord to the tenant. ",

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