Sri Lanka Consolidated Acts

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Shop And Office Employees (Amendment) Act (No. 26 of 1966) - Sect 17

Amendment of section 52 of the principal Act [ 14, 60 of 1957.] [ 3, 26 of 1966.]

17. Section 52 of the principal Act is hereby amended as follows : -
(1) in subsection (1) of that section-
(a) by the substitution, for the expression " in accordance with the provisions of section 30, ", of the expression " in accordance with the provisions of this Act,", and
(b) by the substitution, for all the words from "and shall be liable" to the end of that subsection, of the following :
(2) in subsection (2) of that section, by the substitution, for the words " the amount actually paid. ", of the words " the amount actually paid and a sum equal to ten per centum of the sum which represents such difference, or if no portion of the remuneration due to the employee has been paid, to pay such sum as may be found by the court to represent such remuneration and a sum equal to ten per centum of the sum which represents such remuneration. ".

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