Sri Lanka Consolidated Acts

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Science And Technology Development Act (No. 11 of 1994) - Sect 12

Special powers of Foundation

12. In addition to the powers conferred on it by section 25, the, Foundation shall have the following powers: "
(a) to make research grants to commence or continue research projects connected with the functions of the Foundation ;
(b) to establish and maintain liason with individuals, associations or institutions in Sri Lanka and in other countries with regard to matters relating to funding of research in science and technology in Sri Lanka, and, the impact of such funding on the development of science and technology in Sri Lanka;
(c) to promote and assist Sri Lankan scientists technologists to participate in meetings and short term research WORK outside Sri Lank subject to guidelines prepared by the Foundation a priority areas, subject to guidelines prepared
(d) to promote the publication of one or more journals at the national level;
(e) to establish such working committees as may be necessary for the discharge of the functions of the Foundation ;
(f) to promote and facilitate, the return of Sri Lankan, scientists and technologists of distinction working outside Sri Lanka

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