Sri Lanka Consolidated Acts

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Science And Technology Development Act (No. 11 of 1994) - Sect 2

Object of Act

2. The objects of this Act shall be -
(a) to promote the use of science and technology as an integral part of the effort to achieve rapid economic development, and improved quality of life and to alleviate poverty, and to involve scientists and technologists in the formulation of policy and in decision making ;
(b) to foster scientific and technological activity in all its aspects with a view to developing self reliance in scientific and technological capability and to ensure the allocation of a reasonable proportion of the gross national product for science and technology activities;
(c) to support the development of indigenous technology wherever feasible whilst promoting the import, adaptation and assimilation of technology for rapid growth in industry agriculture and services;
(d) to ensure that institutions of higher education and technical education and research institutions produce scientists, technologists and technicians of high caliber and competence and to secure the provision of incentives to them with a view to ensuring their retention in Sri lanka;
(e) to provide adequate opportunities for all persons to acquire a basic education in science and its practical applications;
(f) to cultivate among the people, an appreciation of the value of science, scientific method and technology and of the integral role that science plays in modern society;
(g) to disseminate the benefits of science and technology activity to all sectors of the people;
(h) to encourage and strengthen cooperation in science and technology between scientists in Sri Lanka, and between scientists in Sri Lanka and scientists outside Sri Lanka, and to provide access to global scientific and technological .knowledge and activity ;
(i) to develop the capability to continuously plan, evaluate and review strategies, legislation: and the institutional framework for science and technology in Sri Lanka ;
(j) to identify priority areas of science and technology likely to be of benefit to Sri Lanka and to promote research and development in such areas,

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