Sri Lanka Consolidated Acts

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Stamp Duty Act (No. 43 of 1982) - Sect 19

Stamp duty where value of subject matter is indeterminate

19. Where the amount or value of the subject matter of any instrument chargeable with stamp duty cannot be ascertained, then, subject to the provisions of section 18, nothing shall be claimable under such instrument more than the highest amount or value for which, if stated in an instrument of the same description, the stamp actually used would at the date of such execution, have been sufficient:Provided that, in the case of the lease of a mine in which royalty or a share of the produce is received as the rent, or part of the rent, such royalty or the value of such share shall, for the purposes of stamp duty, be estimated at two hundred thousand rupees a year or at such lower amount as may be estimated by the Commissioner-General, having regard to the probable extent and value of the produce of such mine.

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