Sri Lanka Consolidated Acts

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Sahanoda Foundation (Incorporation) Act (No. 20 of 2000) - Sect 3

General objects of the Corporation

3. The general objects for which the Corporation is constituted are hereby declared to be"
(a) to implement rehabilitation projects and programmes for the well-being of infants, children, youth, elders and parents ;
(b) to establish and maintain a complex for elders at Kahavita Mawatha. Attidiya. Dehiwala :
(c) to establish welfare centres for the physically handicapped, the disabled, and the mentally retarded and homes for the aged :
(d) to cooperate with oilier organizations local and foreign countries m providing vocational training that will contribute to the upliftment of youth :
(e) to implement suitable programme to prevent environmental pollution and the destruction of natural resources :
(f) to develop small scale irrigation project, and implement programmes of work for agricultural development and the erection of houses for the poor;
(g) to initiate income generating projects ;
(h) to do all such other things as are necessary conducive or incidental, to the attainment of the objects of the Corporation.

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